agnewerikaJun 3, 2022Update & Early Praise for The Besieged Unicorn Army of Ryk-People always say, celebrate the small victories so today I am sharing one. My draft has finally reached 15,000 words! I know that sounds...
agnewerikaDec 17, 2021Prequel Cover Design- In ProgressThis is far from finished but I am excited to show the initial draft of The Besieged Unicorn Army of Ryk's cover. I am working with...
agnewerikaAug 14, 2021Snippet WIP- Dragonsown PrequelThis is a small piece of the first chapter of The Besieged Unicorn Army of Ryk. I am hoping to have the book completed by year end :) If...
agnewerikaJul 8, 2021Return from the Editing Black Hole!Back in March I read a really insightful book, The Plot Thickens by Noah Lukeman. Unfortunately after finishing and doing all the plot...
agnewerikaApr 20, 2021Synopsis- Newbie lessons in Querying.Today I submitted my second query to a publisher. It seems like this is going to be a different experience every time. For this one I...
agnewerikaMar 17, 2021Paranormal Adventures-I think I was in love with historical buildings and sites before becoming interested in the paranormal. It seemed like a natural...
agnewerikaFeb 10, 2021Besieged WIP-After writing 7000 words of the Dragonsown sequel, I became obsessed with the idea of a unicorn army. So much so, that every time I tried...